Remote Graphic Designer



I am looking for a Graphic Designer anywhere in the world. This will (hopefully) be an ongoing working relationship. Here is a short list of some of the work that you will be expected to do:

- Logos

- Letterhead

- Business Cards

- #10 Envelope

- Advertising Materials

I am looking for someone who is willing to work on a project-by-project basis. We will negotiate a flat-fee per task and you will be paid upon satisfactory completion of each task given to you. The ideal candidate will have experience with Adobe Illustrator as well as Photoshop.

As this posting is not a one-off specific task, I would like you to tell me something about yourself, your experience, if you have a portfolio that would be good to see. I would like you to give me an average price per task that you would expect to be paid.

There are tasks queued as the last person who applied for this job didn't work out. I have work that the right person can start immediately. Lastly, it is important to note the following:

I am happy to work with anyone anywhere in the world. I will say though, if you live in a country where the cost of living is an average of 75% less than what it costs to live in America, please give me a fair price. If I wanted to work with a US Designer and pay US prices -- I would have posted locally, not globally. I DO NOT USE SAFE PAY AT ALL. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT IDEA THEN I AM PROBABLY NOT THE RIGHT FIT FOR YOU!

Looking forward to meeting some talented people.

Preferred Skill



Beware of scams

If you are being asked to pay a security deposit, or if you are being asked to chat on Telegram, WhatsApp, or another messaging platform, it is likely a scam. Report these projects or contact Support for assistance.

Project Id: 122230

Job summery

Avg bid
Posted date
6 months ago